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Gay vs Christian Theology
Persons have revised the Bible and produced Queen James Bible. There are 3 options they give the Christians.
1. Keep the Bible but reinterpret it so you are affirming homosexuality.
2. Change the bible i.e. rewrite the Bible.
3. Acquiescence: Keep the bible but: be silent on LGBT issues. Below are some answers to their theological positions.
Below are some responses to the Pro-homosexual apologist's assertions.
[1]. Jesus is Gay. Jesus walked around with 12 men and John leaned on him (Jn 13:23). Answer: If Jesus is a member of the Trinity then it means God is homosexual. How comes that a homosexual God would only design a heterosexual relationship (Gen 2:22-24, Gen 1:26) while condemning homosexuality at the same time (Gen 19:, Lev 18:22 & Lev 20:13). An openly gay Jesus would lose his disciples immediately, undergo stoning from the Jews and face open condemnation from God. If was so obvious that Jesus was homosexual, why was this not condemned by the Sadducees and Pharisees or the general public. The culture was for Rabbis to be male and to have male disciples not females. The culture also permitted friends to lean on each other while eating so this behaviour was familiar can a common practice.
[2]. Johnathan was homosexual 1 Sam 18:1. Answer: We really can’t take them seriously. This is a clear interpolation. Johnathan said he loved David like his soul his soul means as he loved himself. He never said as a he loved a woman. David truly understood God’s law of loving other’s as you would love yourself. Does this mean Johnathan loved himself sexually? Only a sexually driven, perverted mind will see this as sexual.
[3]. David was homosexual. Answer: 2 Sam 1:26 David spoke publicly of his best friend who was dead that his love surpassed that of a woman. 1) David could not stand before the congregation of Israelites and declare he was gay for he would have loss all respect from the priest and people and he would have been stoned immediately in a extremely zealous and strict religious culture.
2) The word Love was innocently used in those times to describe relationships between, family and friends without perverted meaning. 2) David is describing a bond between men where one will die for another best friend and he said this love was greater than love in his relationships. This is not unusual for friends to have stronger bonds than family members or even husbands and wives.
These two men were good friends and soldiers on a battlefield who would have developed bonds for life that they may never experience in a marriage. David’s loving bond was a lifelong bond between two men. David and Johnathan had a brotherhood relationship. The perverted, overly sexed mind of homosexuals cannot accept that the brotherly bond of men can be very strong and intimate without sex or sensualness so gays say they had to be sex involved or they were lovers because of the words love and woman.
[4]. Ruth & Naomi were lesbians (Ruth 1:16) we are dealing with a oversexed, perverted, degenerate mind that would see two women holding hands and can only conclude they have to be homosexual, they can’t be friends…And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:... Answer: If you told your mother you will not separate from her but return home with her would anyone think this is a sexual comment of course not. The LGBT has a problem with this statement and two women living in the same house. We clearly see from the text, Naomi explaining there is no future for the two daughters (in-law) without a man (husband) Ruth 1:12-13, then from the time the two adventured forward Naomi the mother focused every effort to find her adopted daughter a man (husband). Only a hyper sexed person like the LGBT will read sex into it.
Can two women have sex without penetration? Yes, sex is not the penetration alone it includes everything that is involved to express sexual desire (lust) for another of the same sex that is wrong. Whether it is thinking/ lusting, touching, kissing, fellatio, penetration etc are all pertaining to sex. The issue God has is not the penetration or lack of it but that it’s two men or two women that is kissing or petting or penetrating. God’s is with the sexual desire for same sex.
[5]. Sodom & Gomorrah judgement. Gen 19: QJV says God did not punish them for homosexuality but rape. Answer: The Sodomites refused to rape Lot’s daughters (lot’s daughters were married or betrothed Genesis 19:12-15 but had not intercourse), this is proof that the rejection of the women showed they wanted a particular type of sex, specifically homosexual sex. Men lying with men is what would have brought them pleasure not the women.
In the Benjimites city the almost exact same thing happened (Judges 19:22-25). In both events they wanted to indoctrinate the men into their homosexual thinking/traditions/practices. There are two reports on why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.
Homosexuals only quote Ezekiel.
a. Jude 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication (ἐκπορνεύω ekporneuo (ek-por-nev'-ō) be utterly unchaste. (of either sex), and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude mentions two reason for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and both had to do with sex. Fornication is made from two words ek and pornevo. The word πορνεύω porneuo (por-nev'-ō) v. 1. to act the prostitute. 2. (literally) indulge unlawful lust. The phrase strange flesh is two separate words ἕτερος heteros (he'-te-ros) adj. (an-, the) other or different and σάρξ sarx (sarx') n.1. flesh (as stripped of the skin). This refers to flesh other than human which could be animal flesh.
b. Ez 16:49-50 said, “pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy”.50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination. LGBT only quote Ezekiel.
Gen 19: Sodom and Gomorrah LGBT Bible revisionists defense: …The text of the story tells us that "the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man" (vs. 4) gathered at Lot's door and demanded that his guests be brought out to them. This language is important because it makes clear that the group at Lot's door was comprised of either all the people of the city (men and women) or, at a minimum, all the males of the city, both boys and men. This is a telling fact. …If the Scripture text had told us that "certain men of Sodom" or even "many men of Sodom" gathered at the door, we might then surmise that the men at the door could have been motivated by homosexual desire….
Response: (Gen 19:4 [KJV]) But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed (cabab) the house round, both old and young, all the people (`am) from every quarter(qatseh):
ALL PEOPLE?: The LGBT revisionists argued that “all people” in Gen 19:4 means all human beings including females so this was not a male gang, wanting homosexual sex. Incorrect! There is no word for ‘all’ in the Hebrew text here only a Hebrew word for ‘people’. Read what the word means- the H5971 עַם `am (am) n-m. 1. a people (as a congregated unit). 2. (specifically) a tribe (as those of Israel). 3. (hence, collectively) troops or attendants. 4. (figuratively) a flock. It is clear the meaning of scripture should be understood in the following way, there was a collection or congregation of men from every quarter/corner of Sodom.
Even if the whole town was present does not mean the women took part in the act. It may mean they spectated. This seemed to be a common feature and would be a grand spectacle or entertainment for this immoral town, drawing people from all around.
MEN & WOMEN?: The use of the word ‘enowsh’ translated as ‘men’ in genesis scripture etimology, H582 אֱנוֹשׁ 'enowsh (en-oshe') n-m. אֲנָשִׁים 'enowsh (en-oshe') [plural] 1. (properly) a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified H120). 2. (hence) a man in general (singly or collectively). Lets look at the meaning of the word men in use in the book of Genesis. The word Adam is translated men which can be singular male or human (male and female)H120 אָדָם 'adam (aw-dawm') n-m. ruddy i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc). We see in Gen 6:1 Adam may mean in general human (male and Female or only male) or specific male. But from Gen 6:4 onward the writer only uses the word ENOWSH consistently to mean male gender Gen 6:4 “which were of old, men of renown” uses enowsh to represent powerful male warriors. Gen 12:20 And “Pharaoh commanded his men “[Enowsh -meaning male (solders)]. Gen 13:13 “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly”- Enowsh -meaning male. Gen 14:24 and the portion of the men which went with me. Gen 17:23 every male among the men of Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin…(only men were circumcised) Gen 17:27 all the men of his house, ...were circumcised…(only men were circumcised) Gen 18:2 three men (angels) stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them… so when the writer gets to Gen 19: we see the clear use of the same word enowsh used to mean male gender so the reader cannot misinterpret what the writer is saying. Gen 19:4 But before they (angels) lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: Gen 19:5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. It is impossible to be confused which gender he is speaking of. There were no women in this gang rape. J
[6] Jesus never condemned homosexuality. Answers:
(1) Jesus is the word, the word is a member of the Trinity, the Trinity is the God head, God is unified in nature, purpose, thought, word and deed and speaks as one God. Since Jesus is a member of the Trinity (God), Jesus / God unified in speech, spoke to the Jews of the Old Testament where he designed marriage & condemned homosexuality as recorded in Gen 1:26-28; where he created male and female; Gen 2:24; Lev 18:22 & 20:13; Gen 19: and affirmed his position in Matt 19:5.
We would have to assumed that in the New Testament Jesus’ views remained the same until proven otherwise. Therefore, the burden of proof is not on the Christian but on the person who practice homosexuality and Pro-gay theologians to prove Jesus changed his views or the Father’s view which is his also. If the Trinity is in disagreement all heaven will break loose.
Matt 19:4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, 5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
(2) Jesus on Homosexual Marriage- Jesus was in existence before the incarnation during Christ's presence on earth and after he left earth. Since Jesus is member of the Trinity, he's omniscient and he knew this very well. So when he spoke of marriage it was intentional that he chose to speak of only one type of the two marriages that existed and it was intentional that he left out the other one. God is consistent and he recognizes only one type of the fake one.
Why Jesus did not defend homosexual marriage?
Jesus knew they were a small percentage of the world who were homosexual. If they were born that way or created that way or it was God’s design, then here was his chance to rescue even them from their oppressors and haters and deliver this minority group. Oops he did not. Why? He could have save them yet he left them out, he ignored them, he turned his back on the homosexual marriage, he
There was a discussion over marriage and instead of choosing sides Jesus took them to the scriptures. To the origin of marriage. The side that agreed with Genesis 2:22-24 would be standing in truth. Likewise, if Jesus was here today among the many debates on this issue. He would take us to Gen 2:22-24. The side that adheres to this teaching would be correct.
(3) Jesus, Holy Spirt of God killed homosexuality
The homosexual behaviour (Rom 1) that was practiced comes to an end (1 Cor 6:9) when you are washed, sanctified and justified in the name of Jesus and by the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is what puts it to death not Paul or any Christian. Here is the continued condemnation of homosexuality by God in the New testament for those who say it was not addressed by God.
(4) The socio-politico-religio-cultural context -did not permit for homosexuality to be conversation piece at the home table, in public, in the temple, and no one would dare ask Jesus the question. The answer was obvious and the stoning response to homosexuality contained any discussions. So, you won’t see it in Jesus’ sermons.
(5) Jesus’ apparent silence? Homosexuals argue that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality as if to suggest that this is some kind of approval. This is a logical fallacy. It’s the same argument that says Jesus never said anything about rape therefore he approved it.
(6) Jesus said sexual immorality defiles a person. Also, Matt 15:19 Jesus said sexual immorality which includes homosexuality defiles a person. (18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexually immoral, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: 20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
[7] 1 Tim 1:10 said men defiled with men would not get to heaven but QJV deleted “defiled”. Answer: They have no response for this so they deleted God’s word. Defile is a translation of the word arsenokoites. Arsenokoitai is a Greek combined form of two words. Arsen correctly transliterated male and Koite (κοίτη) correctly translated bed, lying or cohabitation, hence when the two words are combined, they mean, men lying or in bed with men. There is no special context for them to put it in e.g. homosexual-sacrificial sex, homosexual-pederasty, homosexual-pedophilia, homosexual-prostitution, homosexual-rape, homosexual-incest, homosexual-adultery etc. Why did they delete it, I believe it speaks plain and simple to man to man sex without all of these suffixes or motives or distinctions or without special conditions. They try to add all these suffixes to homosexuality to say it is situational sex but God does not care for the situation, man to man is wrong especially scene in Rom 1: 26-27. It does not depend on the circumstances or context or motive.
[8] Rom 1:26-27 … 26 women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly. Answer: [QJV] claim they don’t know what unnatural means even though a clear context is given. For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions (pathē πάθη passions/ longing/desire) (root word πάθω patho means sensation). For their women change the natural (physical sensations) for that which is against nature (the physical) 27 and likewise (the men did the same thing)the men also abandoned natural [φυσικός phusikos meaning physical] relations with women and were inflamed in their passions [longing/desire] for one another [men]”. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
2. Physical relations- These are not political, spiritual, financial, sex with minors nor social class relationships. These are physical relationships that involved physical or biochemical sensations between man and woman (opposite sex-heterosexuality) that were being changed toward the same sex (homosexuality). Paul wrote in argument form using logic. What exactly was the unnatural act of women in vs 26? Look at vs 27, it tells us what it was. It said that the men dis the same thing as the women and then tells us what the men did which was to have homosexual intercourse.
Premise 1: the women were homosexual,
premise 2: the men were homosexual.
Conclusion: God gave them over because of homosexuality. The context in which we find the words/texts ‘unnatural, men abandoning women for men, men committing shameless acts with men and vile passions, all describe what is called in the modern era homosexuality an unnatural sexual act. Paul’s claim that homosexuality is one reason why God “gave them over” is very clear.
1) Pederasty-homosexuals claim it was pederasty. Also, Romans 1 is not about Pederasty. (Greek & Roman men kept young slave boys for sex). Paul said the men were doing what the women were doing. Since the women were not engaged in Pederasty he was not speaking of Pederasty. / 2) God’s views unchanged- If 2000 years ago God’s stance on homosexuality had changed Paul would have preached the new position but his condemnation of it means it remained long after Jesus ascended into heaven.
[8]. 1 Corinthians 6:9: QJV claims that the word effeminate is unrelated to how the word is used today; rather, it means “morally weak.” Answer: The Greek word for “soft” is translated as “effeminate”; that is, a “soft, womanly man.”
Can homosexuals change. 1 co 6:11 “and such were some of you. The Holy Spirit power helped homosexuals to change”.
According to QJV 1 cor 6:9 “the male who has many beds,” was an expression referring to men who are promiscuous. Answer: the Greek says “nor “malakos” nor “arsenokoites”. The Greek word arsenokoites translated here as “abusers of themselves with mankind,” Arsenokoitai is a Greek combined form of two words. Arsen correctly transliterated male and Koite (κοίτη) correctly translated bed, lying or cohabitation, hence when the two words are combined, they mean, men lying or in bed with men. Now homosexuals argue that it refers to those men who used their political power to force other men to have sex. Men lying with men for power, love, marriage, lust, prostitution, Pederasty, sacrifice, rape, dominance or cowardice are not the issue. The motive for lying with men does not matter it is this act of lying with a man that is a sin as pointed out in 1 Tim 1:10.
[10] Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 was revised to say, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind in the temple of Molech; it is an abomination. The Molech verses are clearly separated from the other verses. Here they try to say that sacrificial sex (Priest with the males) was the issue not a loving homosexual relationship. So, they condemn sacrificial sex but hold up intimate (love) sex. Vs 13 had nothing to do with Molech. The whole passage is not about Molech its about sexual sins period. For some reason child sacrifice to Molech was inserted. Homosexuality is clearly a different and unique crime or sin that stands on its own and is not judged within the context of Molech at all. Lying with a man is wrong and condemned even if you put the word love in front of it or even if it was temple sex or not. There is no condition that makes it righteous.
[11] It is said that Paul mislead people with his own doctrine and condemnation of homosexuality. 2Pet3:16 Answer: Here is what the Apostle Peter said of Paul. 2Pet 3:16 ”speaking of these things in all his letters. Some things in these letters are hard to understand, things the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they also do to the rest of the scriptures”. It is understood that Paul’s letters are compared with Old Testament scriptures which are the inspired word of God. Then these are not Paul’s perversions but the Holy Spirit writing through Paul. Paul is known to say when he not the Holy Spirit is giving his opinion on a topic and he has never said the condemnation of homosexuality was an opinion.
Mat 19: 11-12 Also, the burden of proof is on the person to prove this refers to homosexuality. Now what does the Eunuch have to do with marriage union. Absolutely nothing. Jesus only mentions it because of the disciple’s comment. The disciple could not handle the limited options Jesus said the husband have. The disciple said you will be better off if you are single.
Now what does the Eunuch have to do with marriage union. Absolutely nothing. Jesus only mentions it because of the disciple’s comment. The disciple could not handle the limited options Jesus said the husband have. The disciple said you will be better off if you are single.
Jesus responds to this observation of his teaching by the apostle and said, you are not the only one, a lot of people cannot handle this teaching except those who have this gift from God. Marriage is a gift from God. Not everyone can handle this lifetime commitment he spoke of. So only those persons who have been given the gift of marriage can handle the commitment. Those men who avoid marriage are called Eunuchs.
Then he said there are 3 types of Eunuchs Some that are born some are castrated by men and some voluntarily become Eunuchs so that they may enter the Kingdom of heaven. The most interesting one of these is the last one. Who does that - voluntarily become a unit for the Kingdom? In 1 Corinthians 7:7 Paul said that he did it and he wish others could live alone and avoid marriage like him but it is a gift from God and there are some that can handle marriage because it is a gift to them to do so..
Mat 19: 11-12 Jesus said that divorce was never in God's plan for marriage because the two people he married were perfect. but since the fall and sin entered into the marriage then permission has been given by God for divorce. However, you can't get a divorce for any reason except extra-marital sex or lust. Why is this cause for a divorce- because the woman sinned against her body which is also your body. It is no longer her body but yours because the two of you are one flesh. So, you can divorce because sin has been brought into the union. To God the marriage has become foul with sin and the union of two is now three so the union is now corrupted. Therefore, the man can separate himself from that sin by divorce. The Holiness and the righteousness of marriage has been corrupted with sin. Not just you but your marriage union has been corrupted.
In the covenant of marriage, they lived unselfishly for each other, they give up their own desires for each other as long as they lived. vincent smith
vincent smith
Was I born gay?
No, there is no scientific tests or evidence that proves a homosexual gene. It is not a fact and should not be believed as true.
Are there only two Sexes?
Yes, male and female! This is determined by our biology or genes and not choice.
What is a homophobe?
A supposed combination of Greek words made up by the LGBT which when transliterated means fear of same. When explained by them it means, “a person with a dislike of or prejudice against homosexuals”. To the non-LGBT it means someone who refuses to believe the lie.
What is Sexuality?
This is where you choose to be attracted to a particular sex.
What is homosexuality?
choosing to be attracted to the same sex.
What is sexual dysphoria?
believing in the lie or pretense that you are of a different sex. There are a number of dysphorias such as believing I am a tree, a dog, cat, helicopter, people who can see say they are blind, people with two good arms wan to remove them because they believe or want to be disabled etc. people who suffer from a false belief or delusion that they are born in the wrong body.
What is Trans-age?
A 56-year-old man said he feels like a little 6-year-old girl. He is trying to get into nursery school. He is also adopted by a husband and wife.
What is Trans-animal?
Some people say they were born an animal or feel like a dog or a cat or a tree or have no body. This can only be experienced in the mind not in physical reality.
Trans able?
This is when you cut off your arm, leg or blind yourself in order to become disabled. Advantages maybe to compete in the world Paralympic games, money, fame, glory etc.
Trans ethnicity.
A white lady in U.S.A. claimed to be black.
Trans human:
this is the combining of human with technology such as A.I.
What is Gender?
the English formation from the original French word Genre’ (the letter “d” was added) which has always meant type. There are two types (Genre or Gender) of sexes male and female. There are no more Genders or types. However, there are people who are delusional and believe the lie that they are another gender other than the two biological and God designed male and female genders. For example, they have imagined they are Aesthetgender– A gender derived from an aesthetic. Aethergender A gender that feels very wide, commanding, breathtaking and powerful. Affectugender– A gender affected by mood swings. Amicagender– A gender that changes depending on which friend you’re with at the moment. All of these occur in the mind of the individual. They are not objectively observable by others in the real world. Nothing changes to the person’s body biologically despite their claim. There are more and some are abstract and non-human genders. Since according to the LGBT Genders are made up (which means they are fantasy) and not real, the claims should not be taken seriously but the individual should seek Psychological evaluation.
What is Trans-gender?
Persons believe they can change their sex despite any of the two types/genders of sexes cannot be changed this does not stop persons from trying. Some LGBT say they are Affectugender on Monday and Amicagender on Tuesday or they feel like they are both. There is no limit to the imagination.
What is Trans-sexual?
Surgery is used to saw off a person’s penis and castrate their testicles, stitch up vaginas, and cut off breast. This is not a sex change this is butchery. Because a surgeon or anyone cuts a hole into their body that does not make it a vagina or put plastic /silicon under the skin does not make it breasts. They cannot feed babies or give birth. This is a blatant insult to all women.
Why not call trans woman a woman.
Because he is a man so that would be absurd. He is performing as a woman. He will not be a woman. Do not encourage him in a lie and a belief. Transwoman is nonsense term. A man said his sexual attraction for a man is proof he is a woman. No, he is still a man attracted to another man.
What is cis-gender or cis-woman?
There is no such thing. Woman or man don’t need a prefix nor to change their language. Since the trans-woman came along women are the ones who have to change now to adjust for these men in women’s make up.
What is sex replacement surgery?
Many seek surgery to change their gender but surgery can only cut what is physical and real but not what is imagined. You can’t surgically change an Aesthetgender– A gender derived from an aesthetic. Only mental surgery can be performed with prescribed drugs and counselling.
But many are suicidal and surgery fixes it.
Fake news. This is a scam pushed my Dr. Money in the 50s. He made tons of money be deluding the trans community. Even after surgery the suicidal rate does not change. Proof surgery does not solve the problem.
Sex reversal surgery?
Many have had sex surgery and after sometime decided to revert back (de-transition) to be the sex they were born as. But the surgery cannot be reversed. 1000s are now stuck with the changes they no longer want.
After making such great efforts they can’t be wrong. Going through surgery, suffering shame from others, believing one is another sex, taking drugs, dressing like the other sex, performing like a man, speaking at forums still does not prove that a person was born in the wrong body.
Does having surgery make me a different category of person?
No. you are not a new type of human. You are still a man or woman (human).
Should I support my sister who believe she is in the wrong body.
No! you must help your sister before she gets deeper into the lie and becomes trapped.
Biology vs Choice:
1000s have chosen to be homosexual/ trans and have later changed their mind back towards their natural state. It is a decision; it is a choice. You are not born this way or fixed and cannot change. Its not the same thing as skin colour or genetics.
Can a man feel like a woman?
It is impossible for a man to know what it is like to have a menstrual cycle, period pain, pregnancy, birth/delivery, breast feed and so on. This statement is an insult to all women.
Can a woman who gives birth be called father?
She is not the father but the mother of the child.
Sexual Identity Disorder:
it’s a fancy term for sexually confused persons. If your sister played with a boy doll or likes football instead of ballet, she is not a Tom Boy and neither is she gay or has sexual identity disorder. You simply affirm to your sister her biological sex. However, if your parents take her to a “LGBT empathetic doctor”, the doctor will claim she is gender dysphoric and recommend she goes on puberty blockers $6,000 for two years then hormone therapy $10,000 for two years then has surgery $100,000 to become a boy. All the while their pockets are fattening.
What is a Hermaphrodite?
A person who has two organs. This is rear genetic disorder and not a third sex neither is it homosexuality or transsexuality. The individual will choose the sex they prefer. However, in most cases only one organ works which tells them what sex they are.
Conversion therapy
This works for some people and not for others who changed their sex and later want to give up that lifestyle choice and resume a lifestyle in accordance with their natural sex they were at birth.
Are we “Its”:
Parents are being told in Sweden and other places that their children are its and should not be labelled as boy or girl at birth. There is no sex on their birth certificates. At 3-4 years old the children are to decide what they are. 4-year-old cannot make life altering or life-long decisions.
What is Puberty?
It tells us we are a boy or girl. When we see the breasts, voice change, muscular development, shapeliness, tough skin in boys and soft skin in girls. Puberty confirms what our genes have programmed, what the doctor, mum & dad & others observed. Puberty is natural we all go through it except LGBT children.
What are Puberty blockers?
They are dangerous drugs taken by LGBT persons to prevent natural Puberty so that the child will not know what they were going to be naturally. Puberty is not a disease that must be stopped. The blockers cause sterility and other medical problems.
What is a male period.
Homosexual men bleed rom their anus and they use a female tampon to block the hemorrhaging. This not a natural occur such as the female’s. This is the perverse and abusive use of the anus causing damage to its health through tearing and widening. This is not biological, natural and males are not born this way.
What is Hormone treatment? Drugs recommended by the LGBT doctors and given to children after puberty blockers so they will develop features of the opposite sex. These hormones can be life threatening and should not be used.
Should the LGBT teach us homosexuality in schools:
LGBT forces nurseries and primary schools to teach infants how to have sex and how boys are to put on condoms on boys and perform anal intercourse. Fourteen schools in England in support of LGBT have banned boys from wearing male uniforms and banned girls from girl uniforms because the uniforms identify them as male or female.
How is LGBT changing Sports?
(girls vs trans) In female sports today LGBT male athletes that claim they are transitioning to be girls are entering female sports, dominating the weaker females and taking home all the gold medals. Girls can no longer win in girl sports. The future of women’s sport is coming to an end because of the LGBT.
Should trans take part in female sports?
No, they are still men and have an unfair advantage. Women’s sports will be taken over by
What about Chromosomes?
You can change your external organs but you can’t change your chromosomes.
Can boys enter girl’s bathrooms?
In the girls’ sports team -the males who claim they are transitioning are entitled to shower with the girls and sleep in the girl’s rooms when on tour.
What about Condoms?
Condoms are not recommended by the FDA for homosexual use because they are just over 60% effective at stopping HIV etc. This population still has an increase of HIV even with condom use. No condoms are not recommended for anal sex.
Is there such a thing as a female /male brain? No! they are just brains nor are there male & female ears. Also, just because typically female brains are smaller that the average male does not mean that men with smaller brains are women or have women brains. Does the brain determines you are female no, the genes does that. How can the brain know what a female body feels like if it does not have one? This is absurd pseudoscience.
How are we Designed?
God made the woman for the man and one reason is sexual reproduction. Homosexuals cannot produce children and such a utopia leads to the end of the population.
Intercourse: God did not design the anus for the same rigorous treatment as the vagina. The males suffer from incontinence as a result.
God designed men and women to sexually fit each other. This fit did not accidently evolve. God designed the woman with a special chamber/womb to receive and incubate the seed from the man.
Vincent Smith
Transgender and school policy
The recent impasse between Providence and the parent of a transsexual teen is very unfortunate but was expected by some Bajans who have been following the LGBT movement for years.
Do not take it likely
Any school that ventures to make a transgender policy must take extreme caution. Your decision could get the school sued, teachers and principals fired, children suspended from school. Many school policies seek to allow the LGBT ideology in probably because they believe education is for all persons. The LGBT community are not happy with transgender children getting just an education but once they are in your school they force several changes, e.g. to change language, change teaching on meaning of gender, change teaching on sex education, change biology class to accommodate ideology not biology, change bathroom use policy, change dress code, change teacher student policy, change student to student policy, change sports policy, change extra-curriculum policy, transitioning policy, de-transitioning policy, politically correct speech policy and so on. The approach by schools that says we won’t reject anyone who wants and education all are welcome, is too simplistic and cannot cut it with the LGBT. They push for more and more and you have to go all the way or don’t go at all. Schools will have difficulty striking a middle ground with the LGBT. What’s more is that parents, teachers and children are punished for not going all the way with them. They cannot accept that other people should have rights to a different view than theirs.
Sex Education in schools
Preschoolers (3-4 years) are being told they can change their sex by transgenders who are allowed in the school to speak to the children under the guise of sensitizing the children but are actually including sex ed. Parents are told they cannot opt out of transgender or LGBT classes. Parents in some schools in the USA are told children must be undergo sensitization or their children will be penalised. Another bullying tactic to force people to conform.
Politically correct language or else.
Children and teachers are told to use the new gender pronouns or they will be fined, fired from their job or the school will be sued. At work if you ever miscall a transgender by the wrong pronoun you will be reported and probably fired. The LGBT is very unforgiving and employs bullying tactics were ever possible.
School bathrooms
The question of bathroom use in schools. Do boys who claim there are girls want to use a bathroom full stop or do they want to go in to the girl’s bathroom specifically? Now the girl’s bathroom cannot make a boy stool or urinate like a girl, that is all in his head. In fact, the boy can still pretend to be a girl on a toilet in the boy’s bathroom. It’s all pretending because nothing magically changes in the bathroom. The boy is still a boy in the girl’s bathroom using a boy’s penis which he used to do before in the boy’s bathroom. The only thing that changed are the signs on the door. The boy can’t even argue it makes him accepted because if the girls don’t want you in there then you are not accepted even if the law says boys can go in.
De-transitioning in schools
Many persons who were on puberty blockers, hormones or even had surgery have de-transitioned, i.e. they have given up on being trans and have returned or reidentified as their biological sex.
So, if Jerry registered as a boy at school and all his friends refer to him as the boy Jerry. However, later Jerry pretends to be Joan, re-register with the school as a girl and dresses like a girl and demands the school to refer to him as a girl or be sued and teachers who don’t comply fired and his friends suspended from school according to the school’s transgender policy or according to the law. A year later Jerry identifies as Jerry once again and re-registers with the school as a boy. And once again insists that the school and friends refer to him as a boy.
The end of girl sports
Schools have to allow boys on the girl’s team. This means that in the future Barbados NAPSAC championship will see boys in both male and female divisions. Boys on the girl’s teams will also be allowed wherever girls are allowed such as locker rooms, sleep overs at hotels when teams travel and in swim team changing rooms.
Owing to the transgender policies in sports in the USA and Olympics males are dominating women sports and preventing girls from making the club, national /Olympic teams. In the future the two teams (male and female national teams) leaving Barbados will comprise of all men with male parts. Women will no longer be competing at international games. This is the end of women’s sports. Currently two men dominate in the women’s 100m & 200m race in the CIAC Class M track meet in USA, the women’s powerlifting champion is a man, one of MMA women’s champion is a man, women’s cycling Masters World Track Champion is a man, wrestling female’s state champion is boy (won 52-0). Female sports were created to give the girls a fair chance in sports now men are moving into it making it an unfair competition. Therefore, schools must permit trans boys (M to F) to enter girls sports.
We cannot allow our children to be used as political pawns for a political agenda that exploits children to accomplish antiscientific pseudo-compassionate agenda which includes defining laws along subjective lines and to destroy the pillars of society that they may build their own utopia.
vincent smith
Transgenderism is confusing our children
Vincent smith
I have spoken to several groups of youth (9-25yrs) in Barbados about transgenderism. In the 9-11years old group almost all of them (about 90%) said a man can become a woman. The 12-25 age group, about 30% were of the same opinion. They gave the same reason, that transgenders, homosexuals and American politicians say this on the internet / YouTube. I questioned if everything we see on YouTube is true and they said no.
They added that men can become pregnant because, again they saw it on YouTube. I asked if males have a uterus. Every single person concluded no, they don’t and therefore men can’t have children. They confessed they were not aware the women took male hormones to grow a beard so they would appear as if they were pregnant men. They admitted they were fooled.
They informed me also that a girl can have surgery to become a boy. Speaking to a youth group who said the same thing, I asked if cutting off my male parts will make me (male) become a female or just a male without parts. Consequently, they all conceded that surgery cannot change your gender or sex. The children understood that with reason and a rational approach they won’t be so easily fooled again.
I questioned where this so-called change was taking place and they said it had to be in the mind of the so-called transgender. I asked if the surgeon’s knife can cut the mind. They admitted no but a psychologist might.
Such transgender ideas strongly suggests to our children that any objective fact about who you are is worthless compared to people's subjective experiences and people’s subjectivity which must trump objectivity. This encourages our children to completely lose the ability to rigorously evaluate any concept, knowledge and analytical position, because it's all based on your feelings.
However, some argued that the transgender idea that a man can feel like a woman is true. One even said she knew a boy in Barbados who said, “he felt that he is a girl”. I asked does a man or a little boy know what a menstrual cycle or female private parts are like, what lactation is like or have experienced gestation and childbirth. They again agreed it’s not possible for a man to feel like a woman.
One corrected us and said they do not feel they are women; they think they are that way. We conducted a thought experiment. After closing our eyes really tightly and thinking really hard for 1 minute to see if we can think our gender into existence, a band of crickets played. I chased the crickets and reminded the youth that people do take their thoughts very seriously.
Furthermore, how can they (“transgenders”) who are born a clean slate who are neither male nor female but only an “it”, later identify as a non-existent female or male. To identify as a male and female suggests that you believe there is such a thing and that they are real and actually exist.
Those who believe that male and female are socially constructed run into the problem of identifying as a social construction (an idea).
How many Barbadian parents are aware of what their children are doing on the internet and the ideas that are shaping them? Parents please save our children and save their future. It’s time to have a chat with them about such social issues.
Vincent smith
Vincent smith
The movement is riddled with contradictions but don’t see its contradictions as a problem. This is a demented era we live in. Trans men (born women) who were once homosexual are now supposed to be heterosexual but holds on to the argument that homosexuals are born and cannot ever become heterosexuals. Trans say they are born in the wrong sex (body), then de-transition to return to the body they claim was wrong in the first place. They say men and women do not exist yet a man that does not exist can become a woman that does not exist. Men who do not have Trans surgery are not accepted as trans by the LGBT/feminists because they still have testicles. Trans and homosexuals who don’t want to identify as trans or homosexual but as people are rejected by the trans and homosexuals (LGBT). Trans and homosexuals who say it’s a choice are rejected by the trans and homosexuals (LGBT). Within the Trans, homosexual, 3rd wave feminists /gender theory, it says no one is born male or female, it is performative because society has socially constructed male and female and masculinity and femininity while some argue male and female are biological and gender is not. Which is it, are you born biologically male or female or are you born a clean slate at birth. Identitarians say your sex is your identity, who you are. You are not a person who is gay but you are a gay who is a person. If you refuse to accept the lie and don’t refer to them by their pronouns (that identify them) you are accused of attacking their very existence. The conclusion of the whole confusing demented matter is that the only people who seem to be born in the right body are trans people.
“Democracy at risk”. Democracy was always at risk long before the LGBT movement solidified its political agenda and bullied people within the democratic space.
Is democracy only at risk when Christianity is at risk? No. Is Christianity the sole protector of democracy, no. At times it seems that way. If Christianity was not at risk will I still cry that democracy is at risk, yes but within a broader context. I therefore need to clarify what I mean when I make a general statement, ‘democracy is at risk’ and in what context am I pulling it from?
I am referring to an attempt to replace democracy with a pseudo democracy through a fascist organisation called the LGBT. I am not saying LGBT is the only at-risk factor. No. However, this same democracy allows for anti-democratic ideas to flourish which push back at democracy itself which consequently challenge the very existence of democracy.
Let’s look at it from the context of the LGBT’s agenda. What we are up against is the ‘modern leftist liberal social justice warriors’ who act as if they are for freedom, democracy and justice (which most people don’t oppose for these ideals are normally held in high esteem). When is the right wrong and when is the left wrong. When we compare the right and the left, we can see on the right, in the far corner, the traditional, fundamentalist extreme far right dictators that will eliminate all opposition and we say no to that. To the unsuspecting public the leftist (LGBT) ideals of liberty and justice portrays it as an angel of light. The public fails to realise the LGBT agenda is being launched from a regime of oppression and violence that is against free will.
So, where does the left become extreme and where do we identify these seemingly noble actions as maniacal and evil. When do we say no to what seems good?
Well we say no to the LGBT ‘the champions of democracy’ when the Democracy they fight for is not true/real democracy, when the freedom they fight for is pseudo freedom, when the justice they seek is biased and unjust. Where they claim free speech for all with their mouth but imprison all who freely speak in opposition to them. When advocacy for a better world is actually a veil covering a nuclear bomb of lies and deceit. When words like rights, freedom, democracy and justice only serve as bait to catch unsuspecting public and Christians but do not reflect the true meaning of democracy.
This is when we say no! Enough to this so-called liberal/freedom movement.
So, democracy is at risk in the context of the LGBT when it is being replaced with a false democracy. It is nothing more than an imitation democracy created and held up by a ruthless, dictatorial, dogmatic, fascist, illiberal, intimidating, arrogant, maniacal, pretend gendering, victim crying, public bullying, condescending, anti-God, charlatan organisation.
As Christians we see the world through the Holy Spirit’s eyes and we see clearly a great deception. Which has sucked in a large number of society. As Christians we say wake up, understand and take a stand in the name of God. Vincent Smith
Speech for the second march
October 25, 2020
Vincent smith
If we follow the pattern of America and the rest of the world where are they leading us. Socially they are leading us into a mad world filled with hate, oppression, suppression and fascism. Let me draw your attention to a few cases to illustrate my point.
#1 Five years ago on 26 June 2015: Same-sex marriage became legal in the United States of America as a result of a Supreme Court ruling.(1) within that five years a number of crazy laws were passed around the world which began to transform America and the world FORCING people to do things against their will creating a state of control. (9)
#2 In Canada the state FORCES you to raise your child the way they determine; June 2017 Canada’s most populous province, Ontario, passed a law that could allow the government to remove children from their home if their parents oppose the new transgender ideology. This is the Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, commonly called Bill 89; (4). THIS IS UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION AGAINST PARENTS WHO disagree with LGBT based on biology. This is totalitarian power move by the state.
#3 FORCED speech: The New York City Commission on Human Rights has stated that based on existing discrimination laws, employers can be heavily fined if they call transgender employees by the wrong name, gender, or pronoun. Employers face a fine up to $250,000- ½ million dollars (8) this is UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION against people who distinguish between reality and what is fake; people who refuse to agree to foolishness.
#4 If you are religious and want to adopt a child then too bad. People with conservative values are FORCED out of adopting children: Representative of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Massachusetts indicated that it is their official practice to weed out Adults holding traditional values. These persons will no longer be allowed to adopt children. (2) this is UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION against religious people!
#5 The FORCED control of businesses. - Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law on September 2020 aimed at compelling public corporations headquartered in California to appoint minority or LGBTQ directors to their boards of directors. Failure to conform results in a U$ 100,000 to 300,000 fine. (5) This has implications for control of the busines, its finances and policies. For e.g. if as a business person you don’t buy in to the sexual rights agenda it is possible to ruin your business.
So my question to you is, after same sex marriage what will Barbados look like 5 to 10 years from now. Religiously- you will see the closing of all Churches, Mosques and Temples except for those who sell out their faith. Politically, Barbados will become an iron fist state that controls our thoughts, speech and behaviours, your freewill will be removed and replaced with a mindless agreement to an LGBT driven country. Democracy will be no more and a neo Marxist regime in place. Family and Education-the destruction of the true family. The removal of the parent and the mandatory indoctrination of children with the state’s propaganda. A new breed of children fooled into thinking everything they imagine is actually their reality. Ideologically- True reasoning and rational thought will be stifled and replaced with a strict adherence to LGBT ideology. Economically- Barbados will be held to ransom with every local business and international trade policies being vetted and approved by the LGBT laws. Government will sanction who you can and cannot do business with based on whether they are a LGBT supporter.
Be very sure they are certainly not leading us to LOVE, not to FREEDOM, not to TOLERANCE, not to JUSTICE and EQUALITY and not to mutual RESPECT.
CITATION MOV314 Massachusetts Commission on LGBT Youth & Massachusetts LGBTQ Bar Association Public Hearing. On May 15, 2013, the Boston Bar Association held a forum with the Mass. Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Mass. Commission on LGBT Youth. section 47 pg 36-41
Transgenderism and the LGBT agenda
Letter to editor part 2: September 2019
Dr. Lisa Diamond top researcher of the American Psychological Association a lesbian activist acknowledge that Gays are “not born that way” and gender is fluid. It is because of this idea that gender is fluid that people can change their gender at a whim notice and some claim as much as 5 genders at one time.
Gender is an idea that occurs in the mind transitioning from one gender idea to another gender idea naturally can only take place in the mind and not in the body. This is why a transsexual is a transgender but a transgender does not have to be transsexual. A young female youtuber said she went to school on Monday as a girl and Tuesday as a boy and Wednesday as a girl and she was very upset because as she said her parts did not change each day along with her clothing. This is transgender without the trans sex.
Against best Medical judgement
Forcing medical professionals to act against their best medical judgment. Under ‘state sexual orientation and gender identity laws’, individuals who identify as transgender have sued Catholic hospitals in California and New Jersey for declining to perform hysterectomies on otherwise healthy women who wanted to pursue gender transition. If these lawsuits succeed, medical professionals would be pressured to treat patients according to ideology rather than their best medical judgment.
The individual who says he feels he is a woman can never personally describe from experience the menstrual cycle, breast lactation, birth pains and other unique natural female conditions. It is impossible. Bruce Jenner once said all it takes to be a woman is to know what dress to wear. This is an insult to women every wear. He can never biologically be a woman nor can any doctor affirm his femaleness. If a man in Barbados today walks into the doctor’s office and says he is a woman the doctor would say he is delusional and book a psychologist but if the LGBT have their way in Barbados and a man walks into the doctor’s office and says he is a woman the doctor have to say congratulations, yippee, good for you. What would make the medical profession in Barbados change their tune, the LGBT bullying tactics ofcourse. They force doctors to move from diagnosing facts scientifically to agreeing with an ideology. This is not science its politics. Once the law is passed where the doctors have to agree with a 6 years old boy who claims he is a girl, then a large population of Medical practitioners in Barbados have to conform or close their businesses, get sued or publicly shamed and humiliated all over social media for not conforming to the ideology. Tell me which doctor you would sacrifice their business to stand up for what honesty and truth.
There is no known research or tests that concludes a person is born in the wrong body. All we have is the individual’s say so.
Medical risks
Politicizing medicine could have serious consequences for children who are exposed to the unnecessary medical risks of drastic therapies. Such as mode problems, bone problems, rates of depression, schizophrenia, heart problems, diabetes, heart murmurs, other preexisting medical conditions, drug- personal abuse, high blood pressure, debilitating side effects. Excessive Estrogen causes cancer, excessive testosterone causes heart problems and the sex replacement surgery is irreversible.
HIV crimes
Thanks to former US governor Jerry Brown it is no longer a felony to intentionally transmit HIV to
another person in the state of California. Under the provisions of this law (SB-239), you can knowingly donate blood contaminated with HIV and it's not a felony. You can knowingly transmit HIV during unprotected sex ... and it's not a felony. Even if the other person is not aware of the risk of contracting HIV before or during intercourse. For intentionally (even maliciously) infecting somebody else with HIV and potentially transmitting a virus that could ruin their lives or kill them. There is an extremely high risk of HIV in the homosexual community who are out of the closet, getting daily medical treatment, even though they claim the reason for high HIV incidence was because of stigma and discrimination against homosexuals which prevented them from getting treatment. The purpose of the bill was to go soft of the LGBT communities’ criminal activities.
Child abuse
Sex is hardwired from birth and cannot change. Children have their normal psychological development interrupted, then put on puberty blockers which castrates them and followed by surgical mutilation later on. There is no track record for this but we are imposing it on children based on an ideology not even sound medical research. Why is the LGBT so eager to throw children under 14 into this madness? Child services should be locking up parents for pumping their 12 years old child with puberty blockers and dangerous drugs but instead they want to lock up the parents who refuse to harm their child. Our job as parents and doctors is to help children embrace natural puberty and their healthy bodies. The LGBT community should be charged with crimes against children instead they are praised and encouraged.
Jeopardizing parental rights
Many LGBT argue that the government should overrule the parents of transgender children who do not consent to give them drugs to stop puberty. Puberty is not a disease and does not need blocking. You tell your children they can’t have puberty blockers because their growth plates have not fully developed yet and you can have bone problems. We could be putting our children in a cancerous shallow grave.
Even in Ohio, U.S.A. a judge removed a biological girl from her parents’ custody after they declined to help her “transition” to male with testosterone supplements. The judge terminated their custody of the parents after the county’s family services agency charged the parents with abuse and neglect for not giving their child harmful drugs and for affirming their child’s biological sex.
Meanwhile, studies show that many children question their sex but by the end of puberty 80 to 95 percent of them no longer experience gender dysphoria. They come to embrace their natural bodies and who they are. The boys are certain they are boys and the girls are certain they are girls. Puberty helps them identify who they are so the LGBT community don’t want them to experience puberty so they won’t objectively and naturally know who they are.
Parents who don’t support LGBT ideology and pump their children with steroids (heavy duty synthetic hormones long term) because they don’t go along with something that has no bases in science and don’t even have and data for it could lose custody.
Many parents claim the reason they support their children who claim to be another sex, is because the doctor they visit tells them that the child will want to commit suicide. The parents becoming depressed about this and not sure of their options and not wanting to be the cause of child’s suicide, opt to feed all the puberty blockers and hormones and surgery to the child who knows no better. While even after puberty blocker, hormones and surgery the suicide rate remains 42% in America.
Rape and victims
A complaint under investigation by federal education officials alleges that a “boy who identifies as “gender fluid” at Oakhurst Elementary School in Decatur, Georgia, sexually assaulted Pascha Thomas’ 5-year-old daughter in a girls’ restroom”. It could also make rape victims of transgender sexual predators less likely to report sexual misconduct and police less likely to get involved, for fear of being accused of discrimination.
Imposing a nationwide bathroom policy that would leave women and children in particular vulnerable to predators. Battered women shelters could see an influx of men claiming to be women being sheltered there. Female prisons will see men claiming to be women having to be switched to the residence of female prisoners.
.Vincent Smith- Project PROBE.
Nov 2019
The social groups who play the identity politics game identify as marginalized and oppressed. They believe they are to take on the “oppressor” groups and bring about equity. In fact, their actual intent is to reverse oppression. They have identified three main groups, gender, race and sexual as being oppressed. They seek to deconstruct what they see as power structures such as government, Judges, news media, family and politicians and religion in order to enforce a totalitarian system with which they shall use to punish all opposition. They seek to deconstruct sex, gender and family. They push the victim narrative; as a victim they are fighting for freedom and equality and most people buy this and voluntarily support their cause. However, the unsuspecting public is oppressed, bullied, threatened and persecuted along with Judges, politicians, religions and news media until they conform.
Such groups as the LGBT don’t recognise you as an individual unless you identify as a member of a group so you are known as friend or foe. Do not be fooled they are driven by power and wield power. They are not about equality or friendship or love. They use all the compassion language but it masks the underlying drive for power. There is no discussion and no consensus. It is their way or no way. This a totalitarian ideology.
The rapid expansion of identity politics has rapidly increased throughout universities. The Universities are teaching and funding postmodern leftist thinkers LGBT who are demolishing the fundamentals of Western civilisation. This is a self-admitted goal.
Universities have ban speakers who oppose identity politics. They have created safe spaces for the feminist group who identify as a minority oppressed by all males.
These self-declared marginalized and oppressed groups bring bills before government to make State policies that favour them and oppress others. Bills are brought before government to establish punishments for anyone who opposes the identity politics whether by speech or action. This takes away the freedom of all groups outside of identity politicians. Politicians are afraid to push back and they censor themselves.
They suit countries, individuals and companies claiming they were oppressed. These law suits are heard by the first Judges who make first rulings automatically in favour of them in order to set precedence and to punish and gag all opposition. These rulings are usually overturned by a higher court.
Christians adamantly oppose not the idea of marginalized oppressed groups but the ideology that says no one has freewill to think or speak in opposition to any other idea. As a result of failure to agree with the identity politics Christians have become the enemy.
The LGBT who play identity politics claiming to be oppressed has sought to have the disabled and Rastafarians onboard. They claim to be egalitarian but their real narrative is, it is time we had control and we make the oppressors pay. It is time we become the oppressor. This is not equality. This is intended to be reverse oppression. Equality is the superficial skin the wolf is wearing.
Today’s media houses have picked sides and drawn the line. Media houses are afraid to print articles that share a different opinion to the LGBT. They have censored themselves because they are afraid to speak out. Put articles side by side and let the
freedom of speech reign.
Vincent smith Project PROBE Ministries
Nov 2019
The social groups who play the identity politics game identify as marginalized and oppressed. They believe they are to take on the “oppressor” groups and bring about equity. In fact, their actual intent is to reverse oppression. They have identified three main groups, gender, race and sexual as being oppressed. They seek to deconstruct what they see as power structures such as government, Judges, news media, family and politicians and religion in order to enforce a totalitarian system with which they shall use to punish all opposition. They seek to deconstruct sex, gender and family. They push the victim narrative; as a victim they are fighting for freedom and equality and most people buy this and voluntarily support their cause. However, the unsuspecting public is oppressed, bullied, threatened and persecuted along with Judges, politicians, religions and news media until they conform.
Such groups as the LGBT don’t recognise you as an individual unless you identify as a member of a group so you are known as friend or foe. Do not be fooled they are driven by power and wield power. They are not about equality or friendship or love. They use all the compassion language but it masks the underlying drive for power. There is no discussion and no consensus. It is their way or no way. This a totalitarian ideology.
The rapid expansion of identity politics has rapidly increased throughout universities. The Universities are teaching and funding postmodern leftist thinkers LGBT who are demolishing the fundamentals of Western civilisation. This is a self-admitted goal.
Universities have ban speakers who oppose identity politics. They have created safe spaces for the feminist group who identify as a minority oppressed by all males.
These self-declared marginalized and oppressed groups bring bills before government to make State policies that favour them and oppress others. Bills are brought before government to establish punishments for anyone who opposes the identity politics whether by speech or action. This takes away the freedom of all groups outside of identity politicians. Politicians are afraid to push back and they censor themselves.
They suit countries, individuals and companies claiming they were oppressed. These law suits are heard by the first Judges who make first rulings automatically in favour of them in order to set precedence and to punish and gag all opposition. These rulings are usually overturned by a higher court.
Christians adamantly oppose not the idea of marginalized oppressed groups but the ideology that says no one has freewill to think or speak in opposition to any other idea. As a result of failure to agree with the identity politics Christians have become the enemy.
The LGBT who play identity politics claiming to be oppressed has sought to have the disabled and Rastafarians onboard. They claim to be egalitarian but their real narrative is, it is time we had control and we make the oppressors pay. It is time we become the oppressor. This is not equality. This is intended to be reverse oppression. Equality is the superficial skin the wolf is wearing.
Today’s media houses have picked sides and drawn the line. Media houses are afraid to print articles that share a different opinion to the LGBT. They have censored themselves because they are afraid to speak out. Put articles side by side and let the
freedom of speech reign.
Vincent smith Project PROBE Ministries
Christianity violates my right to choose to be Homosexual. No it does not. It never stops you from choosing, you can choose. It condemns your choices while recommending a superior choice.
Human rights trump the scriptures/God’s views. There are 3 different views
1st view - God created man in his own image Gen 1:26 and gave him dominion Gen 1:28. Man has special value and dignity because of God’s image and superiority over the rest of the planet, so man’s rights are God given and grounded in God.
2nd view --Rights are equally shared by all human beings because of our shared human nature makes us all the kind of being
that is worthy of protection. Therefore, rights are intrinsic (innate) due to nature. Natural rights.
3rd view: There is no God in which to ground intrinsic human value and the resulting universal human rights. There is also no such thing as intrinsic human value or universal human rights (including the right to keep one’s life).
Instead, rights are given by a group of people in power (e.g. the state) to individual humans who are able to earn those rights by meeting the qualifications set by that group. The state may confer rights to people who qualify for citizenship, married people get certain rights and workers’ rights etc.
The LGBT persons argues wrongly for these positions. E.g.
the innate / natural right- I was born this was so you have to value me and respect me. Since they were not born that way you are not violating any innate right. Homosexuality is not a person but a behaviour.
God made me this way. Since according to God this is not true. You are not violating any right. Human rights and Civil rights are based in natural rights which are based on nature and its our nature to reproduce.
The state has conferred to me this right. Once we are clear it is not God or nature. Also, state sanctions can be protested for violating moral principles.
vincent smith
Nov 2019
Diversity laws can be tricky. However, I support diversity but how can you get diversity right.
When a law says you must employ every single type of diversity imaginable then this is extreme madness [Asian, Hispanic, black, mulatto, white, American Indian, east Indian, Arab, albino, disabled, abled, male, female, hermaphrodite, cross-dresser (trans), homosexual, middle aged, young person, heterosexual, tall, short, fat, skinny, Cancer, HIV, Jew, Christian, Muslem, Yoruba, Buddhist, Rastafarian, mental disorder, thin, blonde, red hair etc].
So, every possible diversity must have an equal distribution of the nation’s wealth (finances and services). So, an accounting firm cannot employ accountants over diverse people. Diversity first then specialization second. don’t hire based on skills but on diversity areas available in the business. They are not only hired as staff but there must be diversity in leadership (on your Board of directors). So a business is no longer capitalistic or profit driven but businesses must become social-cultural egalitarian structures.
They argue capitalism does not allow for diversity. It promotes individual success and accumulation of wealth based on one’s abilities or performance.
The modern diversity ideals suggests that businesses should not be focusing on managing efficiency and effectiveness but diversity. A business does not have to be successful (ecconomic gains) it just has to be diverse. Imagine looking for the best minds to hire to sit on the board of your very specialised company but you have to reject these persons with the specialists knowledge and populate your board with Asian, Hispanic, black, white just because the board must be diverse and not because they possess the requisite expertise. So, business evolve slowly into charities. Employing people for the sake of ensuring everyone has a job.
Suppose white people don’t want to work in submarines, but the submarine company has to force white people to be employed with their company because the law says so. People who are interested in a particular form of employment would acquire the needed skill sets and knowledge for the job and apply because they have an interest. Forcing companies to hire not based on expertise is unfair requirement.
Diversity is probably better served as mandatory in student education for all where everyone despite age, sex etc can create the same opportunity through a degree etc to knock at the door of any company they have acquired the knowledge or skillsets for.
Diversity have been a good cover for the LGBT agenda for years now and more recently for the Black Lives Matter organisation. The visit by the Jamaican activist speaker at the UWI said that there are international agencies that approach national LGBT organisations and offer large sums of money if they push the agenda and that the more diverse the local LGBT organisation is the more funding it can accrue. This may explain why the Barbados chapter pushed for the disabled, Rastafarians and others to join them.
Diversity helps them to fulfil their agenda which is to be in every business and specially to sit on every board in order to affect policy change. Since it would look too self-interest to demand laws for LGBT persons alone to be on every board and employed in every company, they conflate diversity and LGBT. You may be offended by the boldness of the LGBT but you are more sympathetic to the disabled, and blacks and aged who join the organisation. This is how they strategically get their foot in the door. Once they have infiltrated then they continue to change the world from within.
Vincent smith Project PROBE Ministries
Transgenderism & Sports
The bulk of the people in the USA has consequently accepted, almost without question, the general dogma of the LGBT that a man can become a woman. Recently, Will Thomas who goes by the name Leah put on a female swimsuit in March 2022 and entered the women’s 200m freestyle to beat the woman by the ridiculous dominance of 38sec. He was booed by some of the audience. Will was ranked 400th in the men and is now #1 in the women.
Brain washing is brain numbing: This all stems from the ‘woke’ LGBT movement’s ideology which tries its utmost to redefine a woman as nothing more than birthing persons, menstruators, cervix havers and chest feeders. Even within this awful attempt to degrade women by name-calling there exist characteristics that a man does not possess. They are doing everything to avoid calling women, women. A woman is an adult female human being and prior to that, she was a girl, not a man/male.
During media interviews occasionally adults are asked, can a man become a woman, can a man give birth, do they breastfeed, do men have a menstrual cycle, do they have eggs, fallopian tubes and cervixes, and the answer is a resounding yes to this biological impossibility. Please do not drink this cool-ade.
Trans sports history: The history of trans men entering female sports is clear evidence of male biological superiority. These males and the whole LGBT group are clearly aware of the evidence. Here is the evidence of the men who compete in women’s sports. 2018- 17-Year-Old Transgender Boy Wins Texas Girls' Wrestling Championship, 2012 Fallon Fox became the UFC's first openly Trans champion who broke the skull of Tamikka Brents; 2018-USA-Connecticut Two males (brothers) Terry and Andraya won the 100-meter race at the State Open Final; Tracey Lambrech made Britain’s female weightlifting team ousting a female.
Biologically different: Men and women are not biologically equal as the LGBT and the radical feminists argue. Based on their argument, there should be one sport for both men and women. The outcome is obvious. The podium lineup will be a male photoshoot. All college and university sports scholarships will be awarded to males. Sports millionaires will be males who will grace all sports magazine covers, TV commercials and sponsorship deals. No one will watch Serena Williams and Rhonda Rousey ever again. Women will leave the MMA and boxing ring and walk off the Basketball court and football field. The Olympic Games will be a male festival.
The purpose for sports: The primary reason sports were invented and still exist, is to contest and show off one’s physiological abilities. Sports are about your biological sex not ‘gender’ expression. Which woman will step in the ring with Mike Tyson because they have the right to express their gender? It’s not your gender but your clobbered body that will be dragged out of the ring.
Obvious advantage: The arguments continue to change. First, it was trans women don’t have an advantage in sports then it became, well their advantage doesn’t matter because all people naturally have a disadvantage or advantage. So, they do have an advantage and they denied it. What’s next, an adult female identifies as a girl can take part in NAPSAC?
Vincent smith
LGBT in schools- Comprehensive Education
You may ask why they want to and are teaching a full comprehensive spectrum of sexual information to children, including sexual information once reserved for adults.
Was there something wrong with what was being taught before? Well, the question is, what exactly was being taught before?
It was a biology that was being taught before, i.e., the sexual organs and their biological functions. So, what is wrong with this? The LGBT and their allies believe that other vital information is missing, which provides the full or comprehensive package of sexual information. This information was once hidden from children and was exclusively for adults only.
Why introduce to schools what was once referred to as X-rated adult information? Well, sexual education comprehensive ensures your child will have safety, better health, and protection.
You may ask, health and protection from what? Here's an example. If a primary school boy told another primary school boy that he liked him then there could be some serious problems with this. Not that his saying that to another boy is wrong or a problem but many things could go wrong if they had sex. How would they deal with this scenario to ensure their own safety, health and protection? Well, 1 they could pass on STDs, sex can be painful, and alternatives should be offered. So, what exactly would a sexual education that is comprehensive will teach these two boys? The educator- would teach the two boys what is a condom and its purpose; how to put on a condom the correct way using an instructional aid and diagrams; how to position oneself for intercourse; and offer oral sex as an option. Now, your child would be wiser, can have safe sex, and be healthy all because of a sexual education that is comprehensive.
Why is this better than the traditional approach? The old, outdated way could not have achieved such. It would have simply told the boys that homosexual behaviour is unnatural and should not be encouraged, there are two young to be discussing information of sexual nature or activity and their parents will be contacted and counsellors recommended.
Another justification for this teaching is that this new approach is created in a modern world where children may be exposed to millions of porn movies and pictures therefore, we must protect our children by educating them on how to navigate what they will see rather than discouraging them from seeing it. They will see it anyway.
What’s the best method of introducing this to the children? They believe the parents are not the ones best suited to educate their children on modern sex techniques because (1) the majority of parents in the world are conservative when it comes to sexual education and would push back, therefore they prefer to have trained personnel who are paid and controlled not to stray from the syllabus.
If the government waives the parent’s rights first, then (1) we can by-pass the parents and (2) it can be mandated to be taught in schools legally without consulting parents. If this fails, then governments could be coerced to introduce it to children in schools without parental consent through trade and loan agreements, hereby breaking laws that support Parental rights.
Parental rights in education must be a necessary law. Primary and secondary schools cannot prohibit parent notification and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being. Primary schools should be prohibited from discussing sexual intercourse. Schools should be prohibited from encouraging classroom discussions about sexual orientation or gender identity. Only parents should have this conversation. The law should authorize parent/s to bring an action against a school.
Vincent smith